Friday Conference Panels

Friday, April 22nd

For Participant Bios

April 22, 2011 -Registration at 8:30 AM
19 West 4th Street

Welcome and Introduction by Henry Em, NYU and JT Takagi, Third World Newsreel

Keynote Address: Prof. Bruce Cumings, Gustavus F. and Ann M. Swift Distinguished Service Professor in History and the College, University of Chicago
“History and Memory in The Korean War: Apocalypse, Absence, Amnesia”

Bruce Cumings at Event

Panel 1: Cultures of War
10:10 – 12:10 PM
Panel Chair:  Henry Em, East Asia Dept, NYU

Cultures of War Panel

Eun Heo Korean History, Korea University
“The Korean War, Bio-politics and Hegemony of the U.S. in the East Asia”

Daniel Kim Associate Professor, English, Brown University
“Black Korea, 1950-53: African Americans and the Conflict in Korea”

Monica Kim, PhD candidate, History, University of Michigan
“The Pedagogy of Desire in the Interrogation Room: Imperial Lessons in Truth and Free Will in U.S.-controlled POW Camps of the Korean War”

Discussant:  Youngju Ryu, Assistant Professor.Department of Asian Languages & Cultures, University of Michigan

12:10 PM Lunch

Panel 2: Cold War Epistemologies
1:30-3:30 PM
Panel Chair:  Jae-Jung Suh Associate Professor, SAIS-Johns Hopkins University

Audience for Panel 2: Cold War Epistemologies

Yongwook Chung Korean History, Seoul National University
“Social Scientists Between ‘Cold War Enemy’ and ‘Oriental Society’”

Christina Klein Associate Professor, English, Boston College
“Cinematic Memories: Traces of the War in Contemporary Korean Cinema”

Discussant:  Xudong Zhang,Professor, Comp Lit & East Asian Studies, NYU

Panel 3: Decolonization and Empire
3:40 – 5:10 PM
Panel Chair:  Jack Kuo Wei Tchen, Associate Professor, History, Social & Cultural Analysis, NYU

Panel 3: Decolonization and Empire

Christine Hong Assistant Professor, Literature, UC Santa Cruz
“Unfinished Liberation: North Korean Rescue and the Antipolitics of Unending War”

Jodi Kim Associate Professor, Ethnic Studies, UC Riverside
“Arrested Decolonization and the Imperial Temporality of Political Violence”

Discussant:  Henry Em, Associate Professor, East Asian Studies, NYU

5:30 PM: Reception followed by film program.

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